As an employee of the Texas Department of Transportation, our CEO was responsible for the production of a schematic and environmental assessment for IH 35E
This segment of IH 35E started just north of Interstate 20 and ended just south of Parkerville Road. The primary purpose of the schematics and environmental assessment was to clear FHWA requirements for construction funding.
The project required preparation of a traffic analysis using the highway capacity manual software to optimize the lane configurations and maximize the level of service for traffic flows. Development of the schematics required preparation of freeway typical sections, freeway main lane plan and profiles, preliminary bridge layouts, ramp layouts, and intersections of five grade separated diamond intersections. An intersection of special interest was the Belt Line Road and IH 35E grade separation because it coincided with a major crossing of Ten Mile Creek. The design of the Ten Mile Creek Bridges required a detailed preliminary analysis of the flows at Ten Mile Creek. The design tasks also included the layout of freeway signage.
Environmental Assessment:
The environmental assessment required an evaluation of the existing freeway conditions, a comprehensive evaluation of various alternatives including the Do Nothing Alternative, a feasibility study of the various alternatives, and construction cost estimates. Production of the environmental assessment also included air and noise studies in compliance with FHWA standards
Project Details
- DeSoto & Lancaster, Texas
- Highway capacity analysis
- Drainage analysis
- Roadway plan & profiles
- Grade separated intersections
- Preliminary bridge layouts
- Freeway signage plans
- Environmental assessment
IH 35E Schematic and Enviromental Assessment
Transportation Projects